- «Name»: Enter the name of your supplier.
- «Customer number»: Your customer number at the supplier.
- «E-Mail»: The supplier's e-mail address. This is where your orders will be sent.
- «Supplier language»: The language in which your supplier receives your orders.
- «Telephone »: The telephone number of your supplier. Is displayed to you and your employees for queries.
- «Website »: The website of your supplier. Displayed to you and your employees.
- «Minimum order value »: Orders with this supplier below this value cannot be triggered.
Preferred delivery days
The selected days of the week and times (optional) are preselected for orders from this supplier. This can be accepted or overwritten.
- «Example »: An order is created on Monday. In the checkout process, the next Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. is suggested as the delivery day based on the stored data.