How can we help?



Map your business digitally! With your own layout, you will be able to inventory, move and order your items more quickly.

Sequence and new groupings

  1. you can use drag & drop to adjust the order of existing items in your area.
  2. create a new grouping to create a separate list (e.g. for a refrigerator or shelf).


Naming groupings and adding items

  1. choose a name for this grouping.
  2. add new items here.


Select and add items

Search for all items that you would like to add to this grouping. You have the option of doing a [batch search](/support/logistics/batch search) at the top right.

Press «Add», as soon as you have selected all the items you want.


Sequence, partial quantities and capacities

Mittels Drag & Drop kannst du die Reihenfolge bestehender Artikel in dieser Gruppierung anpassen.

  1. set for each item whether “Count partial quantities” should be displayed in this grouping during the inventory. The partial quantity count type can be set in the respective item details.
  2. define the desired capacity per item in this grouping.Capacities in groupings overwrite the area capacity in «Item».
  3. press «Save», as soon as you have made the desired settings.



Here you can see all the groupings you have created. Items that have not been added to a grouping are listed below. The order can be adjusted in both cases using drag & drop.

  1. select a grouping to display the details
  2. duplicate or delete a grouping.
  3. press «Save», as soon as you have made the desired settings.
