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Outstanding differences

An inventory has created differences that you now have to resolve.


Stock reduced

In this example, the stock of 2 items has been reduced due to the inventory. You can either «reconcile all together» or «balance individually» these differences.


Reconcile all together

You have 3 options to collectively reconcile the differences.

  • «Add as cost of goods: Select an evaluation to which you want to add the differences in stock as cost of goods.
  • «Move stock to another area»: Select an area to which you want to move the differences in stock.
  • «Delete all differences»: You delete the differences in your stock.


Balance individually

You have 3 options to settle the differences individually.

  • «Add as cost of goods»: Select an evaluation to which you want to add the difference in stock as cost of goods.
  • «Move to another area»: Select an area to which you want to move the difference in stock.
  • «Delete difference»: You delete the difference in your stock.


Stock increased

In this example, the stock of 2 items has been increased due to the inventory. You can either «reconcile all together» or «balance individually» these differences.


Reconcile all together

You only have one option to balance out the differences collectively.

  • «Create stock»: You create new stock to resolve the differences.


Balance individually

  • «Restore from cost of goods»: Select an evaluation from which you want to restore the difference in stock.
  • «Pull from another area»: Select an area from which you want to move the difference in stock.
  • «Create stock»: You create new stock to resolve the difference.
